Keynote Speaker - Wine, Tourism and Architecture

Professor Peter Wippermann

Professor Peter Wippermann, who introduced the concept of the 'Ich-AG' in Germany, specializes in communication strategies for trend-based brand management. He points out market opportunities that result from the longings of a society. The emotional design of products and services are his main focus. His other topics include social values change, network economics, health style and the future of media and the world of employment.

After a typesetter apprenticeship in his father Graphic Design Studio, Wippermann, born in 1949, became an art director at the Rowohlt publishing house and the ZEITmagazine. In 1988 he founded together with Jürgen Kaffer and Peter Kabel the Büro Hamburg, a company for communication design.

In 1990 he was the responsible editor of the future magazine "Übermorgen" and designed the future events "Talk with Tomorrow" for Philip Morris. In 1992, Peter Wippermann together with Matthias Horx, founded in Hamburg the Trendbüro - consultancy for social change. 1993 he was appointed to the University of Essen (today: Folkwang University of the Arts) as Professor of Communication Design.

As featured speaker Peter Wippermann helps companies to prepare for the latest trends in the future.